The Greater Houston Disaster Alliance (GHDA) is dedicated to building a stronger, more resilient region by partnering with nonprofits, whose deep community connections, adaptability, and program expertise make them vital to accelerating recovery and building resilience.
Year-Round Nonprofit Engagement Strategy
Informed by lessons learned from administering two joint disaster funds in 2024, GHDA has developed a transparent and impactful strategy to engage nonprofits year-round through funding opportunities, convenings, and resource sharing. This strategy aligns with our commitment to deploy disaster funding with thoughtful urgency while ensuring collaboration with trusted nonprofit partners.
Nonprofits that meet GHDA’s eligibility criteria and can adhere to GHDA’s nonprofit partner policies are classified as either a Core or Community Partner, based on their ability and capacity to provide specific disaster services (defined in the eligibility criteria) given various disaster scenarios and populations served.
Core Partners
Community Partners
Friends of GHDA
Disaster Services + Scenarios
Can quickly and efficiently activate at least one primary disaster service after any size natural disaster
Provides a primary or secondary disaster service after any type and any size disaster
Does not provide primary or secondary services or does not meet eligibility criteria
Population(s) Served
Open to new clients, serves broad population
Open to new clients, serves broad or special/niche population
Not applicable to this classification system
Grant Potential When a Fund is Activated
Likely to be funded after most natural disasters if they meet requirements/ services/ geography
May be funded after widespread disasters (less likely)
Unlikely to be funded based on requirements / services / geography
GHDA is committed to engaging nonprofits throughout the region, regardless of their partner status with us. All organizations are encouraged tosubscribefor disaster preparedness resources and invitations to select GHDA convenings that foster collaboration and highlight best practices, contributing to a more resilient Greater Houston community.
Want to be even more actively involved? We encourage all nonprofits that are active in the disaster preparedness, response, and/or recovery space to regularly attend local disaster collaborative meetings specific to our region. These are not only fantastic networking opportunities, but also the most proactive way to get connected to other disaster resources and ultimately improve our collective response to future disasters. If you’re not already attending these meetings, here’s how to get connected:
Texas Gulf Coast Region Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (TGCR VOAD) for organizations that participate in immediate response & recovery post-disaster.
Fort Bend Recovers meets bimonthly, email Caroline Egan.